Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time to Head Home - Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday morning has dawned and it's time to head home. But first, we must stop for some breakfast. "How about Denny's?" the Biologist asks. "You love their French toast!" The Marine posed for the obligatory photo at the entrance to Denny's. Doesn't everyone take pictures of the restaurants where they eat?

During breakfast, the Biologist suggested another drive by the Port of Tampa, a Cruise Ship Port. Maybe a cruise ship had arrived in Port this morning and we could check it out... for future cruising reference purposes only of course! The Marine just shook his head and had another cup of coffee. So... we hopped back in the SUV and headed to the cruise terminals. Luck was with us today! The Carnival Legend was in Port... a Ship in Port!!! Woo hoo!

By now, it's really getting to be time to head out of town, but wait. This week a new category for Hindu Temples was up for approval. What if it got approved and we left Tampa without visiting the Hindu Temple of Florida? We'd have to come back, that's what! The Marine put the pedal to the metal and off we went to find the Temple. Hmmm, one might think the Marine was worried that the Biologist might drag him back to Tampa. Surely he had a good time. We did go to Keegan's restaurant for him the night before. Sheesh! Well, we soon arrived at the Hindu Temple, and a worthwhile visit it was. It was an absolutely spectacular building. But now we must head home. So until next time (that is, until the Biologist discovers a key waymarking target that she missed during this trip), hasta la vista Tampa.

1 comment:

GEO*Trailblazer 1 said...

You must be home now.
WOW that must have been nice.

More new Waymarks to post.
Thanks for the great work keep up the Wacky Waymarking.

Your local Wacky Waymarking approver.

GEO*Trailblazer 1