Sunday, August 3, 2008

On the Road to Charleston, South Carolina - Friday, August 1, 2008

At last the weekend had arrived and it was time for our next waymarking adventure! The Biologist had done some more research and off we went to Charleston, normally about a 4-hour drive from Jacksonville. But of course, not when you're a waymarker! We had an important mission during our drive... to visit the Hatch Nuclear Power Plant near Baxley, Georgia. Okay, so we didn't take the most direct route to Charleston, but what self-respecting waymarker would? We arrived at the power plant, unsure what we'd find, but thankfully there was a visitor center. Took the tour through the center and went outside to take some photos. Cha ching! Another icon bites the dust. Back on the road to Charleston...

Stopped at a couple of Georgia Historical Markers on the way and crossed the State border and found a South Carolina Historical Marker that hadn't been claimed by anyone yet. Another icon bites the dust! This time we kept our noses to the grindstone and trekked on into Charleston (mainly because our stomachs were growling and we had a restaurant in mind that we wanted to get to before the dinner rush). Crossed over to Mt. Pleasant and screeched to a stop at the Boulevard Diner! It's located in an old Dairy Queen restaurant and the food was great (good prices too)! With full stomachs, we headed off to our hotel for an early night (and some posting of waymarks) as we had a busy schedule planned for Saturday.

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